International Management Double Degree (IMX) – BSc

One programme, two degrees

Study in Germany and a partner country of your choice. After eight successful semesters, you will then obtain the equivalent degree from the partner university in addition to the Bachelor of Science in International Management.

  • X-change
    Fully integrated double degree programme with worldwide university partnerships

  • X-perience
    In-depth intercultural experience via two years of studies and internship at a partner university abroad

  • X-tend
    Advanced internationalisation options: Experience at two universities, in three countries and with four languages

We look forward to receiving your application!

Applications are possible from the end of April. 
Application deadline: 15 July

Key data

All facts and figures for your degree programme at a glance

Facts & figures

8 semesters, 2 countries
2 internships, 2 universities

Admission requirements

School leaving certificate and specific language skills


Application process

Application deadline 15.07.

Programme starts each winter semester

Entrance examination

Convince us
in the examination interview!


No tuition fee
Semester fee €167.30


240 ECTS, Double Degree

Facts & figures

  • 2 practical semesters (1 in Germany, 1 in the partner country)
  • 8 semesters (4 at ESB, 4 at the partner university)
  • 18 professors
  • 135 study places per year
  • 240 ECTS (most comprehensive Bachelor's degree in Germany)
  • >2,500 active alumni

Admission requirements

  • General or subject-specific university entrance qualification (Abitur; a restricted university entrance certificate - Fachhochschulreife - is insufficient) or equivalent qualification.

  • Proficiency in the languages relevant to the degree programme, i.e. the language of the respective target country.
    Netherlands (English),
    China (possible with or without Chinese language skills)
    Brazil (Portuguese or very good Spanish)

  • A pass in the entrance screening (subject-specific examination interview and oral language tests).

  • Applicants from outside Germany with a higher education entrance qualification not obtained in Germany must present their certificate to the Studienkolleg Konstanz for review and recognition. Proof of sufficient German language proficiency must be provided by the application deadline.
    More information for applicants from outside Germany.

  • A very good or good grade in your entrance qualification is of key importance for an offer of admission, as the programmes are in great demand and attract correspondingly good applicants.

Application process

The deadline for applications is 15 July.

Applications can be made from the end of April 2025.

The application consists of two steps:

  1. Registration at www.hochschulstart.de and then online application on the HS Reutlingen application portal 
  2. Taking the entrance examination

Multiple applications are possible. You can apply for up to three of the IMX degree programmes (e.g. German-North American, German-English and German-Irish link).

Semester start in Reutlingen is mid-September 2025, with different semester starts in France (early Sept), Spain (early Sept), Ireland (mid Sept), England (Oct) and Poland (Oct).

Entrance examination

The 2025 entrance exam is still being planned and is expected to take place online in July. As soon as the dates are finalised, they will be published here. You will receive further information on the dates and procedure in the application process or in advance in one of our virtual info sessions. 

All applicants who apply in the required form and by the deadline will be invited to take the entrance exam. 

The entrance exam consists of two parts:

  • Subject-specific examination interview 
  • Oral foreign language examination in the national language of the respective target country - for exceptions, see admission requirements. Please note: Applicants applying for several degree programmes with different languages will take several language examinations. 

13 countries, 1 programme

With the IMX degree programme, you combine an international education, the best teaching methods and intercultural exchange. By choosing your degree programme, you choose a foreign language, study at renowned universities in two countries and start your career with two degrees.

The International Management Double Degree (IMX) offers the following study programmes

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German-North American
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German-Brazilian programme

In the German-Brazilian programme, you will study half at ESB Business School in Reutlingen and half at the Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (EAESP) at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). The business school, which has been in existence since 1944, enjoys an excellent reputation in Brazil and is regarded as a training ground for future top managers. In the field of economics, the triple-accredited FGV EAESP is one of the most important universities in South America.

The programme is conducted in German and English in Reutlingen and in Portuguese and English at FGV EAESP. Students interested in the German-Brazilian programme ideally have a solid knowledge of Portuguese. Alternatively, you can also demonstrate very good Spanish skills, which are tested in an oral language exam. During the first half of your studies at ESB Business School, you will acquire a compulsory knowledge of Portuguese.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Bachelor of International Business Administration (EAESP)

German-Chinese Degree programme

China is the world's largest economy and Germany's most important trading partner in the Asia-Pacific region. Young professionals who not only have specialist knowledge but also understand the language and culture of both countries are urgently sought after. With the double degree from ESB Business School and the renowned University of Business and Economics (UIBE) in Beijing, you will acquire precisely these skills.

First, you will study for two years at ESB Business School in Reutlingen. Several courses in Chinese prepare you for your stay in China. In the 5th semester, you will devote yourself exclusively to the Chinese language and culture at UIBE. If you already have sufficient language skills, you can skip the intermediate year.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Bachelor of Management (UIBE)

Dutch-German programme

The Netherlands is one of the five largest export nations in the world. Its service industry, with its strong international links, offers many exciting career opportunities.

In the German-Dutch programme, you will spend half of your studies at the Avans School of International Studies in Breda and half at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen. The Avans School has an outstandingly well-equipped campus and has been awarded the premium seal of the FIBAA.

The language of instruction in Breda is English.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Management Studies at Avans School of International Studies

German-English degree programme

In the German-English programme, you will study half at Lancaster University Management School in the UK and half at ESB Business School.

Lancaster University is a "young" university. In its history of just 50 years, it has risen to become one of the leading institutions in the UK and is ranked among the TOP 100 worldwide.


The place where you start your studies is determined in the entrance examination, depending on your language level.

Those who start in Reutlingen complete an internship in Germany in the third semester and an internship in the UK in the sixth semester.

Those who start in Lancaster complete a short internship in the UK between the second and third semesters during the summer and a five-month internship in Germany in the sixth semester.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)
  • Bsc (Hons) International Business Management at Lancaster University

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

Franco-German degree programme

France is Germany's biggest trading partner. Managers with language skills in French, English and German are accordingly in high demand in the business world.

In the Franco-German program, you will study half at NEOMA Business School (Reims campus) in France and half at ESB Business School in Reutlingen. The place where you start your studies will be determined in the entrance examination, and depends on your language level.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Bachelor International Business Management der NEOMA (CESEM)


The Franco-German University (DFH) supports all students in this programme with a mobility scholarship and awards graduates a separate certificate of completion.

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

German-Irish degree programme

In the German-Irish program, you will study half at the DCU Business School in Dublin and half at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen. DCU is regarded as the most innovative university in Ireland and has repeatedly been voted among the "Top 50 under 50" in the worldwide QS Ranking index.

The place where you start your studies depends on the language level achieved in the entrance examination and is determined by the selection committee. You will complete an internship in each country according to the chart.



After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • BA in Global Business (Honours) at Dublin City University (DCU).

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

German-Italian degree programme

In the German-Italian program, you will study half at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza and half at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen.

Piacenza is located in one of Italy’s economically strongest regions, close to Milan and Turin.

The place where you start your studies depends on the language level achieved in the entrance examination and is determined by the selection committee.

Depending on where you start your studies, you will complete your internships in the third and eighth semesters, or in a shortened fourth semester and in the sixth semester.

After eight successful semesters, you will receive the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Laurea di primo livello in Economia Aziendale and the Master Universitario di 1° livello in International Management from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Piacenza).

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

In the German-Mexican programme, you will study half at ESB Business School in Reutlingen and half at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) in Puebla.

The UDLAP campus is located in a large, beautiful park. Dormitories and sports facilities are integrated as well as very well equipped lecture halls and libraries.


At UDLAP, classes are taught in Spanish and English.

Studies in the German-Mexican degree programme always begin at ESB Business School.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)
  • Bachelor of International Business Administration (Puebla)

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

German-North American programme

It all starts with your application for a place in the International Management Double Degree in the German-North American program.

After your admission, you will first study for two years at ESB Business School in Reutlingen. This is followed by two additional years at one of our North American partner universities (all AACSB accredited):

You will find out which is your partner university at the beginning of your studies.

The special thing about the IMX degree programme: There are no additional tuition fees for you at our partner universities. You only need to cover your own living expenses in the other country.


After eight successful semesters, you will receive the Bachelor of Science International Management from Reutlingen University as well as the degree from your partner university:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Raleigh)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Elon)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration - Co-op International (St. Catharines, Canada)

The partner institutions are members of the IPBS Network.

German-Polish degree programme

Germany has been Poland's most important trading partner for many years. The European Community is providing sustained support for this development. In a European comparison, Poland's economic growth continues to be very high. Companies on both sides of the Oder and Neisse rivers are therefore increasingly looking for qualified executives who speak Polish and German as well as English and understand the special features of both cultures and economies.

If you choose the German-Polish programme, you will study half at one of the oldest universities in Europe, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and half at ESB Business School in Reutlingen.

The place where you start your studies depends on the language level achieved in the entrance examination and is determined by the selection committee. If you start your studies in Reutlingen, your Polish language skills will be specifically promoted so that you will be very well prepared for Polish classes when you transfer to the Jagiellonian.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • Dyplom Licencjacki from the Jagiellonian University of Kraków

German-Spanish degree programme

In the German-Spanish programme, you will study half at the renowned ICADE at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid and half at the ESB Business School in Reutlingen. You will be studying at two of the highest ranked universities in their respective countries.

The place where you start your studies depends on the language level achieved in the entrance exam and is determined by the selection committee.


After eight successful semesters you will receive two degrees:

  • - Bachelor of Science in International Management at Hochschule Reutlingen (ESB Business School)

  • - Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Mención Internacional

The partner institution is a member in the IPBS Network.

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Your personal Student Advisory Service will be happy to help you!

Your application process


Carefully read the admission requirements.


Fill out the application form.



Take the entrance exam if invited to do so.

Admission requirements

  • General or subject-specific university entrance qualification (Abitur; a restricted university entrance certificate - Fachhochschulreife - is insufficient) or equivalent qualification.

  • Proficiency in the languages relevant to the degree programme, i.e. the language of the respective target country.
    Netherlands (English),
    China (possible with or without Chinese language skills)
    Brazil (Portuguese or very good Spanish)

  • A pass in the entrance screening (subject-specific examination interview and oral language tests).

  • Applicants from outside Germany with a higher education entrance qualification not obtained in Germany must present their certificate to the Studienkolleg Konstanz for review and recognition. Proof of sufficient German language proficiency must be provided by the application deadline.
    More information for applicants from outside Germany.

  • A very good or good grade in your entrance qualification is of key importance for an offer of admission, as the programmes are in great demand and attract correspondingly good applicants.

Entrance examination

The 2025 entrance exam is still being planned and is expected to take place online in July. As soon as the dates are finalised, they will be published here. You will receive further information on the dates and procedure in the application process or in advance in one of our virtual info sessions. 

All applicants who apply in the required form and by the deadline will be invited to take the entrance exam. 

The entrance exam consists of two parts:

  • Subject-specific examination interview 
  • Oral foreign language examination in the national language of the respective target country - for exceptions, see admission requirements. Please note: Applicants applying for several degree programmes with different languages will take several language examinations. 

And after your studies?

As an IMX graduate, you will have 240 ECTS credits, a degree from Reutlingen University as well as a degree from your international partner university - and plenty of opportunities.



ESB Reutlingen Alumni e.V.

International Management double Degree students at ESB Business School working on a project in one of the library rooms

Start your own business

Do you love hands-on work and want to create something new? With the skills you have acquired in your studies, you have the best prerequisites for successfully founding a company.

International Management double Degree Professor and Students interacting at the ESB Business School.

Study at Master’s level

Complement your double degree with a one-year Master's programme at an international university (London, Paris, Oxford, etc.)

International Management double Degree ESB Business School students interacting with each other in the library.

Work in academia

Embark on an academic career. With a doctorate, you lay the foundations for your own research career or for ambitious tasks in business.

ESB Alumni share their experiences

The multi-faceted studies in the IMX programmes at ESB Business School clearly stand out due to their internationality, practical relevance and focus on social skills. These are precisely the competencies we expect when recruiting.

Christine Mareen Rupp

General manager, IBM Consulting DACH and managing director, IBM Deutschland GmbH

International Management Double Degree Franco-German, 1999

My studies at ESB were a great basic training for my start in investment banking. I have fond memories of broad-based teaching, frequently moving to new international locations, and the ESB spirit - all characteristic of an ESB degree.

Andreas Resch

Managing Director - Head Consumer & Retail IB, Commerzbank AG

International Management Double Degree German-American, 2000

The programme prepared me very well for an international career. We learned to achieve results both in and with the team across cultural and language barriers and to have a lot of fun doing so, despite time pressure and competition.

Hannes Liebe

COO International, Finastra and founder of the Good Future and Hope foundation

International Management Double Degree German-Spanish, 2000

IMX and ESB on social media

We look forward to receiving your application!

Applications are possible from the end of April. 
Application deadline: 15 July

Our partners

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